For Creative Professionals

As writers, producers, and directors, you are in a unique position to educate as you entertain.As practicing physicians, lawyers, and scientists, we want to help you do just that. The languages of science and the law take years to learn. Your viewers will appreciate — and benefit from — the attention to detail that only experienced professionals can provide. In fact, research suggests that television viewers learn a lot of law medicine from television — doing it right on TV doesn’t just look good, it has the potential to save lives.

RxCreative is your definitive source for medical, scientific, and legal script consultation and realization. Unlike many consultants, we can provide specialists your area of interest — you won’t have an internist answering your questions about surgery, or vice versa.

We offer a full range of creative and consulting services to fit the needs of any production, on any budget.

Free and reduced rate consultations: Single episode consults, and early-stage pilot development, are free. Longer term arrangements are welcome. We are happy to make special arrangements for student and not-for-profit productions. Contact us to find out how we can help make your next production as real as can be.


Always keeping true to your story and your voice, we can:

  • Perform a basic edit of your spec script to give it a properly medical or legal “feel”
  • Provide suggestions for medical diagnoses and legal frameworks that will fit your plot line
  • Pen whole sections of specialized professional dialogue to fit your specifications
  • Supply on-set technical consultants to make your hospital, laboratory, and courtroom scenes come to life
  • Create detailed blocking notes and video demonstrations to ensure that the action matches your writing
  • Train your talent in the portrayal of doctors and disease
  • Translate the scientific literature into an easy-to-understand guide for any medical or scientific topic